
Flexing our Agile Mindset through Stanford-Style Design Thinking

Federico Lozano

Founder & CEO: Pracademy / Asst. Professor of Innovation: NTNU, UiB, NHH

Om workshopen

Our modern business world is full of unknown unknowns.  Design thinking enables us to dance with the ambiguity, which accompany these unknowns. 

During this active, visceral, hands-on workshop we’ll explore practical tools that empower individuals and teams to thrive in a VUCA world. 

We’ll dive deep into psychological safety and the power of strategic foolishness and failure.  Come ready to be vulnerable, collaborate radically, and laugh a lot.

Om Federico Lozano

Fede Lozano is the father of a multicultural seven-year-old girl and husband to a proud Bergen native. His wife and child have beautiful, angelic voices. He does not. When not with family, Fede loves to interact with, learn from, and facilitate teams of students. He teaches business whiz kids at the Norwegian School of Economics, proud engineering geeks at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and brainy medical doctors at the University of Bergen. Fede currently leads Pracademy, one of Norway’s top innovation-training firms, which works with firms like Telenor, DNB, Wilhelmsen, Skatteetaten, and NRK.
He also recently founded Die Before You Die, a nonprofit that enables people to design lives of meaning.

Fede earned his MBA at Stanford University where he was awarded the Social Innovation Fellowship. Stanford invested a big chunk of money in one of his startups, which soon failed spectacularly. Fede’s ego took a blow as a result, and he became a tiny bit better human. He’s addicted to outrageously spicy food and on May 6th, 2021, he died four times (not from the spicy food).

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